Introducing BORN XDS | Customer Data Platform Services

Introducing BORN XDS | Customer Data Platform Services

In the rapidly evolving landscape of ecommerce, leveraging first-party data has become paramount in delivering exceptional customer experiences. BORN XDS, as the leading ecommerce agency, is proud to announce our new capacity and service designed to help brands succeed by harnessing the power of customer data platforms (CDPs).

With BORN’s award-winning global expertise and experience in UI/UX and digital experiences, our team of industry leaders knows how to unlock the full potential of real-time, unified data activation and omnichannel customer journeys for leading ecommerce sites.   

At BORN XDS, we understand the negative impact that isolated and “siloed” data can have on the growth and success of a brand’s ecommerce experience. By utilizing a robust CDP to break down these silos, businesses gain a competitive edge via better-targeted marketing spending, increased consumer engagement, and elevated customer lifetime value (LTV). BORN’s technology experts are here to guide you in evaluating, implementing, and actively managing the right CDP that aligns with your unique business needs.

How Can CDP Functions Benefit Your Business?  

Unified Customer Profile: BORN XDS seamlessly consolidates all offline, online, and third-party data sources into a single view. This holistic approach provides an in-depth understanding of your customer’s interactions with your brand, regardless of where those interactions take place – website, in-store, app, email, customer service, or elsewhere. By having a clear picture of your audience, you can tailor your strategies to meet their diverse and evolving needs more effectively.

Personalized Customer Journeys: Our CDP services enable you to create coordinated omnichannel experiences for your customers with unparalleled precision. Each touchpoint becomes an opportunity to deliver the right message, through the right channel, at the right time. Meeting customers where they are is paramount in delivering a tailored customer experience. With personalized customer journeys, you’ll enhance customer satisfaction, foster loyalty, and drive conversions.

Marketing Optimization: Customer Data Platforms also optimize the ‘refinement loop’ for your marketing and promotional tactics via techniques like A/B testing and ‘‘next best action’ modeling. As an added layer of analysis, BORN XDS’s integrations leverage research databases to further enrich your CDP’s data to gain deeper customer insights. With data-driven optimization, you can maximize the effectiveness of your marketing efforts, enhance ROI, and make better informed strategic decisions.

Why Choose BORN XDS?

1. End-to-End Expertise: As an award-winning and globally recognized ecommerce agency, our team of leading professionals brings a wealth of knowledge and experience. With a proven track record of helping global brands succeed in the digital realm, we will provide expert guidance throughout your customer experience (CX) transformation journey – we will actualize your new CX vision, from planning to activation of CDP and beyond.

2. Tailored Solutions: We understand that every business is unique. With our platform-agnostic approach, BORN XDS takes the time to evaluate and understand your business objectives, challenges, and customer landscape. With this understanding, we tailor our CDP service solutions to align with your specific functional and technological requirements, ensuring optimal outcomes and tangible results.

3. Seamless Support: Our implementation process ensures a hassle-free transition to a CDP infrastructure. We provide comprehensive service at every stage, from initial evaluation, and full activation to management. BORN XDS maintains the highest status level of partnership or certification with many of our platform partners, ensuring we always have direct contact for support. With BORN XDS by your side, you can focus on your core business while we handle the technical complexities.

BORN XDS is committed to helping you transform your brand’s customer experience through the power of unified data and omnichannel journey orchestration. Schedule a meeting with our data scientist, Spencer Frum, to discover the boundless opportunities and improvements that await your customer experience.

Schedule a meeting with our Data Scientist, Spencer Frum, who is excited to show the possibilities of truly unified data and omnichannel journey orchestration.

Schedule a meeting here